Born in the UK, 1991

Pascoe’s work, delves into the world of consumption, and how the objects we surround ourselves with shape our identities. Through his art, he explores the transformation from human identity to monetary identity. 

We gain an understanding of the influence of capitalism on our sense of self.

With work being showcased in exhibitions including the RWA 168 Open Exhibition and the RA Summer (Winter) Exhibition.


Would you brush your teeth with Dettol if you ran out of toothpaste? - In The Windows - That Art Gallery, Bristol, UK


RWA 168 Open Exhibition - Royal West of England Academy, UK


RA Summer (Winter) Exhibition - Royal Academy of Arts, London, UK


RWA Sculpture Open Exhibition - Royal West of England Academy, UK

RWA Open Exhibition - Pre Selected - Royal West of England Academy, UK


In For A Penny Exhibition - Unit 10, Bristol, UK


South Bank Arts Trail

F(l)ight Exhibition - Hamilton House Gallery Space, Bristol, UK